December 30, 2014

what are your new year resolutions?

I'm sitting here a day before the New Year reflecting on this past year and it was certainly a year filled with ups + downs! although I didn't expect to end relationships that I had at the start of the year; I certainly didn't expect that I'd ever commit to going to school, but I am proud of myself for finally starting the next chapter of my life! 

Which got me thinking, I want 2015 to be about me, which sounds selfish but I've never taken time out to build myself and my future up. So my resolutions are:
Get back in the gym
Eat right
Blog/capture more moments
Get my own place again
Graduate in the fall at a level 4 or higher!
Stay single for the whole year (unless I find McDreamy)

So cheers to new beginnings! & a Happy New Year!

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